Insists on Quality
Insists on Quality
Manner : Manners maketh man. - William of Wykeham. |
Ability : Native abililty without education is like a tree without fruit. - Aristippus. |
Humanity : The world is my country, all mankind are brethren and to do good is my religion. - Thomas painer. |
Education : Education is the chief defence of a nation. -Burke. |
Education is the ability to meet life's situation. -Dr.John G. Hibon. |
Nature : Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and man is the workman in it. -Ivan Turgenev. |
Determination: If at first you don't succeed, try try again. -W.C. Fields. |
Repentance : To err is human, to forgive is divine. -Alexander Pope. |
Art : It is not a mirror to reflect the world but a hammer with which to shape it. -Vladimir Mayakovsky. |