Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
Smoking, consumption of alcohol, gambling and such other unlawful activities are totally prohibited inside the campus. Any violation will ultimately lead to dismissal of the student from the college.
No student who has been convicted for offence in a court of law or arrested in connection with any offence will be permitted to join or to resume his/her studies in the college.
A disciplinary committee is constituted with the Vice-Principal as the Convenor and the Heads of the various departments as members. The committee will look into the charge leveled against student(s) and will conduct thorough enquiry. The recommendation of the committee will be totally accepted and the action will be taken by the Principal accordingly.
RAGGINGRagging in any form is totally prohibited by the government of India and government of Tamilnadu. As per the existing government orders, if a student is reported to have involved in ragging, he/she will be expelled from the college without any enquiry being conducted. The college will follow the orders of government in respect of any such incident.